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Research Oversight Group


It is essential that the research undertaken for PEER is credible and the results are supported by all stakeholder groups. To help ensure the quality and validity of the research undertaken, PEER has appointed a Research Oversight Group - an expert panel comprising three independent experts in scholarly publications and economics research.

This expert group will oversee the research and:

  • Validate the specification for the research
  • Evaluate bids for the research and make a recommendation on selection to the Executive
  • Advise on methodologies
  • Evaluate the deliverables and confirm that the data is sound and conclusions are valid.

Research Oversight Group Members: 

Carol Tenopir, Professor of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee
. Prof. Tenopir has received the International Information Industry Lifetime Achievement Award.


Dr Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmouri, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Dr Boukacem-Zeghmouri is member of the GERIICO and ELICO research groups.


Tomàs Baiget, Professor of the online "Master on Digital Documentation" of the Pompeu Fabra University, member of the Statistical Institute of Catalonia, Barcelona and founder and publisher of the scientific journal "El Profesional de la Información".